Montana's Ghost Towns

June 09, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Bannack's Hotel MeadeBannack's Hotel Meade Bannack (State Park) is one of the best preserved ghost towns in Montana thanks to the many volunteers who have repaired and restored the buildings over the years.  There are a few that could use a little more T.L.C. - walking across the creaking stairs and wavy floors reminds me of being in a carnival fun house.  A few of the buildings are in pretty good condition all things considered.  The Hotel Meade, which is one of the better preserved buildings, had a brush with near destruction this last summer when a flash flood swept through town and came dangerously close to the hotel's foundation.  Measures have been taken to assure that any future flood waters will be diverted away from the hotel.  The town did not escape from the flood unscathed.  A few buildings suffered minor damage while the assay office just down the street from the hotel was completely demolished.  Volunteers were able to recover almost all of the original logs and planks and rebuilt the office.  After a close inspection of the building I think they've done a fine job.  If I hadn't of known about the flood I never would have guessed that the office is actually "new".  It looks like its been there, untouched, for years.

While wandering through many of the houses my attention was drawn to the remnants of the wallpaper and floor coverings.  One would expect to see the ornate designs, florals, and muted colors that are associated with that period in history.  Instead, the walls and floors are covered in bold geometric patterns of black, red and turquoise amongst others.  I guess the original occupants needed something to brighten up their homes during the long Montana winters.

InternationalInternational Visiting Bannack and other preserved ghost towns is refreshing.  Its good to know that someone is looking out for our past.  All too often ghost towns and homesteads across the state are left in disrepair and are slowly vanishing.  Treasure hunters and scavengers certainly aren't helping matters when they take artifacts away from the towns.  As for me I'm happy just taking photos.


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